What is Innovation Culture?

An innovation culture is one where everyone is engaged with the topic of innovation, and pursues innovation activities energetically.
In an innovation culture, senior managers value the creativity of employees and see creativity as an asset to the business.
In an innovation culture managers also have ambition, and a sense of urgency to channel that creative potential into initiatives that will benefit customers and other stakeholders. This might be through innovation activities that solve business problems, deliver new products or new services.
In an innovation culture there is proper support for individuals and teams to use and develop their creativity.
A strong innovation culture can be a powerful source of competitive advantage.
An innovation culture often indicates that an organisation understands its customers better than competitors do, that the organisation is more responsive to customer needs and that it is able to deliver new products and business improvement faster than competitors.
Developing an innovation culture is a significant challenge for any business and requires a long term commitment to the task.
In order to develop an innovation culture, action is required in all areas of the organisation.
Facilitating change can play a key role in this type of culture change. This is because facilitation can release creative potential and innovation capability.
Leaders and change team members may need to be supported in their work to build an innovation culture through innovation training and executive coaching.
An innovation culture can be sustained through developing high-performing teams and developing strong leading innovation skills.