Innovation Strategy

12th Nov 2010

Have you ever wondered whether the ‘management science’ approach to business; data driven, with deductive analysis and rational argument, is the only way? Perhaps you’ve wondered about creativity and what you need to do to ensure that it exerts a greater influence on your whole business? If so, Creative Strategy might be the book for you.

13th Sep 2010

Intrapreneurship is one of the ‘buzzwords’ of 2010. We’re finding growing numbers of business leaders are keen to explore how to bring the spirit of entrepreneurship alive in big companies.

So, what can you do to encourage intrapreneurship and help it succeed in your organisation?

31st Aug 2008

What could be more fun? You receive a parcel, open it and there inside is the picture/clock/lamp you ordered. Even better, your item is generously wrapped in... bubble wrap!

Who of us can resist a casual 'pop' of those air pockets before we examine our merchandise? What's more, once the item is unwrapped, who doesn't feel drawn to pop a few more?

30th Sep 2007

For innovation to happen, people have to actually set about doing things in new ways - and this involves a certain amount of risk taking. It's what successful entrepreneurs are lauded and rewarded for. However in a corporate environment - can it be that the whole risk industry which has pervaded many aspects of life today, is affecting our ability to innovate?

31st Aug 2007

We’re advocates of Blue Ocean Strategy* or Value Innovation. So we feel driven to commend one of the most successful recent innovations that demonstrates this approach.