July 2011

15th Jul 2011

High street retailers in many towns are struggling. News stories, by turns blame internet shopping and the economic recession. By contrast, some retailers are not just surviving – they’re thriving. They’re secret? They’re innovating to create magic for their customers.

15th Jul 2011

Simply talking about creativity is never enough to get across its pivotal role in innovation!  What’s needed are examples. How did someone generate that great new idea? What was the analogy or metaphor that led to a new insight? How did someone end up combining data in new ways to make a great new connection?

15th Jul 2011

Business Model Generation by Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur doesn’t look like your average business book. It’s published in landscape format, it’s packed with drawings and has lots of pictures, colour and white space. Yes, ‘the designers’ have got to it. But does it stand up as more than just a ‘beautiful thing’?